Recently the Carrier rolled out the “Dressed and Ready” policy. As written, this policy’s goals were not controversial, seeking only to require that all parties follow the various Union agreements. This cloak of innocence, however, was used to cover attempts to implement various challenges to our contractual rights. Perhaps most barbaric were the demands that would have effectively ruined the meal period. Agitation over this issue caused many to reach out to their Union for confirmation of their rights. In most cases, following the agreement rules would require stopping production and returning to headquarters from a remote worksite to be released at the precise time designated as the meal period. This would obviously be a major inconvenience to the Carrier. Management was informed that if they tampered with the meal period, the employees would require this strict application of their contracts.
To ensure the members on CPKC presented a unified front, we discussed this with local officers, individual members and sent mass emails outlining the specifics on this dispute. We are told this email was leaked to management which caused quite a commotion. Another mass message on the following day about how to file claims let it be known that the members were now “ticked and ready” should CPKC proceed with their harsh changes. They did not proceed. The “dressed and ready” management was unable to act and instead found themselves “naked and ashamed” before a very vocal, informed, and active Union. Since implementing these violations on a large scale failed, there have been other small challenges to the agreements on CPKC. As long as these challenges are met with similar resolve, the Carrier will be unsuccessful. This is a reminder of the strength we have when we are unified and active.