Unless you live under a rock, you have inevitably heard about recent offers from various Carriers to multiple Organizations for a 5-year agreement consisting of a total of 17.5% in GWI increases. Those offers included moderate improvements to vacation accrual, as well as modest improvements in healthcare coverage. Those agreements were ratified by some Organizations and turned down by others. Such an agreement was not entertained on this committee, and for good reason. Two years ago our members voted down a 22% GWI over 5 years by a wider margin than any other committee in the country, demonstrating that we expect more.
Since a reasonable offer our members would actually consider was not presented by BNSF, they opted to enlist the National Carrier’s Conference Committee (NCCC) to bargain on their behalf. In doing so, the BNSF joins several other Class 1’s in bargaining nationally as a coalition. This committee will be involved in that process every step of the way and will keep you informed as it progresses throughout 2025.