For many years, the KCS railroad violated our agreements with impunity. Seldom were claims filed as we seldom were informed of their violations until well after time limits had expired. Members have finally had enough and things have changed dramatically in recent years, as our claims data reflects.
Consider for a moment that a total of 20 claims were filed between 2011-2020 (notwithstanding multiple claims for a single MSR issue). That is an average of 2 claims per year. However, in the last 3+ years alone, a total of 44 claims have been filed on the property. Most of those have been settled, totaling between $55-$60,000 back in your pockets, and many more are pending settlement. What the members on the former KCS have realized is that the only way to confront a bully is face-to-face. Until you stand up for yourself and push back against the violations, they will only continue. Please continue to inform the committee of every violation encountered and we will continue to fight to protect our agreements.